Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Best Way to Learn Indonesian Language : 7 Ways to Learn Indonesian Language Faster

If you ask, what are the best way to learn Indonesian?  Probably there are some tips that can help you learn Indonesian language faster. Here are some tips:  

1.Have curiosity to learn Indonesian. In fact, curiosity is needed when you want to study something new especially a foreign language like Indonesian language. Learning Indonesian language can be more useful if you have plan to visit Indonesia to do some business with the locals and stay there for quite some time. Indonesian grammar is quite simple and the spelling is very easy since Indonesian is less phonetic.You may start with learning how sentences are constructed. Just start with practicing to put a sentence together without necessarily having to understand the word meanings. Have curiosity to pay attention to its intonation, voices, syllable stress, etc.

2.Set your goal, and commit yourself to it. It takes time to learn a new language in which you have to practice on regular basis and keep on trying. Maybe you don’t have time to attend a class but that should not make you to skip a day or two. Don’t just give up after learning Indonesian language after several weeks or months of studying.Don’t easily give up simply because you find a difficult words or grammar or confusing parts of a sentence.

3.Practice pronouncing vowels. Indonesian language has fewer ways of pronouncing vowels namely a, e, i, o, u. Vowel “A” is like in the word “father”, “E” is like in the word “check”, “I” is like in the word “immigrant”, “O” is like in the word “olive” while “U” is like in the words “put” or “boot”.

4.Learn basic Indonesian phrases. This is the fun part because after remembering such phrases you will feel more confident when speaking. Here’s some few basic Indonesian phrases :

Selamat pagi
Selamat malam
Selamat datang
Nama saya John
Apa kabar?
Terima kasih
Sampai jumpa
Selamat tinggal  

5.Submerge yourself in the new language and culture.You can do lots of things to make yourself get used to the langauage such as signing up for an RSS feed or newsloetter of Indonesian words, watching Indonesian movies, listening to Indonesian podcast, etc.  

6.Have a dictionary. You may have an English-Indonesian dictionary or visit a very good online website such as or  

7.Create flash cards or have your own word lists. For this purpose, you can highlight, give mark for new words yuo find in a reading passage. You can also list down some new words with their meaning to broaden your vocabulary. You can also create your own flash cards.


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