Sunday, February 7, 2016

Shopping Phrases

image by lovely bogor
I want to buy shoes | dictionary
Saya ingin membeli sepatu | kamus
How much does this clothing | shorts cost?
Berapa harga baju | celanan pendek ini?
Do you have a bigger | smaller size?
Ada ukuran yang lebih besar | kecil
Do you have different colors?
Do you have brown color?
Ada warna lain?

Ada yang warna coklat?
Yes, we have | No, we don't
Ya, ada | Tidak ada
This is too small | besar
Ini terlalu kecil | besar
This is too expensive
Ini terlalu mahal
This one | That one
Yang ini | Yang itu
Can I pay by credit card?
Boleh saya bayar pakai kartu kredit?
Here's your change
Ini uang kembaliannya
I'm not interested
Saya tidak tertarik
I'll take this | that
Saya mau ambil yang ini | itu

Tips in Shopping:

1. Just like in any shopping malls, do not try to bargain in shopping malls and stores with fixed prices.You can bargain only in traditional markets or in stores without price tags in their items.

2. When you are interested in an item, don't start bargaining but first ask the vendor the price of the item.

3. Then, you can offer to pay one quarter to one half of the first asking price, then the vendor will keep making counter offers until you reach a suitable median price.

4. The final and agreed price of the item is probably about one half to two thirds of the initial asking price.

5. In some traditional markets the prices offered are already low so don't keep pushing the vendors to give you a very low price since this is considered an offense to them. .

6. If you think the asking price is still expensive, just leave the shop or stall and find another one which has the same items.

7. Then, as you know the price of similar items you are interested in you can remind the vendor if they give you high initial asking price.


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