Indonesian Grammar

Me – as prefix 

This is the third type of prefix in Indonesian. Me-  can be applied to infinitives, adjectives and nouns.
A word with the  me- prefix suggests that the sentence in which the word is used, is in the active voice.
When me- is attached to a noun or an adjective, it changes them into verbs. So basically the meaning of  me + infinitive/adjective/noun  in English grammar is equal with  to + verb.

Me + the infinitive
The examples that are shown below are used both in written and spoken Indonesian.

Me + ajak          = mengajak         Tuti mengajak Santo pergi ke bioskop.
                                                      Tuti asked Santo to go to the theater.
Me + beli           = membeli           Ibu membeli beberapa macam makanan untuk makan malam
                                                      Mother bought several kinds of foods for dinner.
Me + dengar     = mendengar        Saya mendengar kabar jelek.
                                                      I heard bad news.
Me + sewa        = menyewa          Dia menyewa sebuah kamar kecil
                                                      He rents a small room.
Me  + the adjective
Adding me- to an adjective changes it into a verb. The subjects turns into the state indicated by the adjective.

Me  +  besar       =  membesar       Api itu makin membesar
                                                      The fire is getting bigger.
Me  +  kecil        = mengecil         Celana itu mengecil sesudah dicuci oleh mereka.
                                                      That pants shrank after they washed it.
Me   + merah      = memerah        Daun-daunan di pohon sudah mulai memerah
                                                      The leaves on the tree becoming red.

Me   + the noun
Adding me – to a noun changes it into a verb. The subject does the work indicated by the noun.
Me +  darat          = mendarat        Pesawat terbang itu sudah mendarat.
                                                      That airplane has landed
Me  + udara        = mengudara      Radio BBC mengudara setiap hari jam 5 sore.
                                                      BBC radio goes on the air at 5 PM every day.

Me – kan

Sometime you also can put a combination of me-kan into a verb. But not all of the verbs can be combined with me-kan. For verbs, some simple / independent verbs will do. Also some of ber-verbs and some me-verbs.

The basic rules are:

  1. Simple / independent verb           With me- kan  = do something / do something for                                                                                  somebody
Pulang                                           memulangkan        to make somebody leave
Tidur                                             menidurkan            to put somebody to sleep
Mandi                                            memandikan          to give a bath to somebody/an animal                                                                              
Masuk                                           memasukkan          to put in something into somewhere
Keluar                                           mengeluarkan         to take out something from somewhere                                  

  1. 2.                  Ber –verb                                      With me –kan = do something
Berjalan                                        menjalankan           to run something (a machinery/ a
                                                                                           an organization )
Bercerita                                       menceritakan          to tell a story
Bekerja                                         mengerjakan           to do something

  1. 3.                  Me-verb                                        With me-kan  = do something to somebody

Memukul                                       memukulkan         to hit something for somebody
Mencari                                         mencarikan            to search for/ to look for something
                                                                                         for somebody
Menjual                                         menjualkan            to sell something for somebody

Irregular Me + Verb / Noun + kan

There are about 16 roots (8 verbs and 8 nouns) which require the treatment of  me______kan ( instead of  me only) in order to become transitive verbs. They have to be memorized.

To recommend something
To give something to somebody
To discuss smth
To listen to smth
To send smth to smbd
To think of smth
To lend smth
To transalate smth

To rent out smth to smbd
To do something
To tell a story
Mengapalkan (only with ship)
To send something with ship
To promise something
To say something
To report a news of something
To say/ pronounce something

Sound Assimilation

Assimilation of sounds occurs as me- attached into the initial sounds of the joining words. These changes meant for convenience in pronunciation.

Here are the basic rules:
Rule 1: Me  + l, m, n, ny, r, y, w  à nothing change

                   Me + lihat     à melihat            to see
                   Me + masak  à memasak         to cook
                   Me + nikah   à menikah           to marry
                   Me + nyala    à menyala          to be on
                   Me + rusak    à merusak          to damage
                   Me + yakin    à meyakinkan    to  convince
                   Me + warna   à mewarnai        to color

Rule 2 : Me + b, f  à insert m in the between ( mem- )
                   Me  + beli      à  membeli         to buy
                   Me  + bayar   à  membayar       to pay
                   Me  + fitnah   à memfitnah       to slander
                   Me  + fotokopiàmemfotokopi   to make a copy
Rule 3 : Me  + p  à changes the initial sound into m ( mem- ), then p is dropped.

                   Me  + pakai   à memakai          to wear
                   Me   + pukul  à memukul         to hit/ to strike

Rule 4 : Me + vowel, g, h, k à insert ng in the between ( meng- )

                    Me + uji         à menguji          to test
                    Me + obrol     à mengobrol      to chat
                    Me + ajak       à mengajak       to invite
                    Me + ingat      à mengingat     to remember
                    Me + ukur       à mengukur      to measure
                    Me + ganti      à mengganti      to change
                    Me + hukum  à menghukum    to punish

 Rule 5 : Me + d,j,c  à insert n in the between ( men- )
                    Me + dorong  à  mendorong     to push
                    Me + jual        à menjual           to sell
                    Me + cari        à mencari           to look for
Rule 6 : Me + s      à insert ny in the between ( meny- )

                    Me + sewa       à menyewa        to rent
                    Me + surat       à menyurati       to write a letter

Rule 7 : Me + k     à insert ng in the between ( meng- ) but then k is dropped

                   Me  + kirim      à mengirim        to send
                   Me + kenal       à mengenal        to know somebody

Rule 8 :  Me + t    à insert n in the between ( men- ) but then t is dropped

                   Me + tari          à menari            to dance
                   Me + tunjuk     à menunjuk       to appoint somebody/ to point out on something
The prefix me- forms an active verb out of any root word.

Me- creates an intransitive verb
Me-i creates a transitive verb preceding a direct object (accusative)
Me-kan creates a transitive verb preceding an indirect object (dative)

Let's take the root word 'tembak' (shoot).
Ari sedang menembak (Ari is shooting)
Ari sedang menembaki semangka (Ari is shooting at watermelons)
Ari sedang menembakkan anak panah (Ari is shooting arrows)

In English the verb doesn't explicitly indicate whether you're doing it to/at the object or with the object. Grammatically "shooting watermelons" can mean shooting at watermelons or shooting with watermelons. In Indonesian "menembaki semangka" means shooting at watermelons while "menembakkan semangka" means shooting with watermelons.

To expand the example:
Ari sedang menembaki semangka dengan anak panah (Ari is shooting watermelons with arrows)
Ari sedang menembakkan anak panah ke semangka (Ari is shooting arrows to watermelons)

Me-kan can be used with any root word, but me and me-i are not applicable to all words. I'll see if I can tease out a pattern, it seems to be related with the nature of the root word, whether's it's a noun, verb, or adjective.
Some base words that are combined with two affixes (eg. me + root word+ kan) can produce an adjective rather than a verb, or even both.


Root Word Meaning me – kan In a sentence Meaning
takut scared menakutkan Film itu menakutkan That movie is scarry
biar let membiarkan Saya membiarkan hal itu terjadi I am letting that happen
kerja work/do mengerjakan Dia sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah He’s doing his homework
bingung comfuse membingungkan Masalah ini membingungkan saya This problem confuses me
darat land mendaratkan Pilot itu mampu mendaratkan pesawat dengan selamat That pilot can land the airplane safely
Other Examples

Me- verbs

Verbs (action/doing words) in Indonesian often have a me- prefix. There are so many words that can have the me- prefix on them that there could be a whole dictionary full of me- words. So words are put in the dictionary under their base-word.
There are five me- prefixes assigned to the different letters of the alphabet. For example, all words that can have a me- prefix that start with L, M, N, R, W, or Y have the prefix me-. All words that can have a me- prefix that start with C, D, or J have the prefix men-. All except for two letters (that are rarely used in Indonesian) are listed in the table below next to their prefix.
Me- L melanjutkan
M memaafkan
N menantikan
R merindukan
W mewujudkan
Y meyakinkan
Men- C mencoba
D mendorong
J menjelang
(T) menulis (the t gets dropped when the men- gets added, so for menulis you'd look up tulis)
Meng- A mengamati
E mengeja
I mengiklankan
O mengobati
U mengumumkan
G menggosok
H menghormati
(K) mengunci (the k gets dropped when the meng- gets added, so for mengunci you'd look up kunci)
Mem- B membalas
F memformulirkan
(P) memutus (the p gets dropped when the mem- gets added, so you'd look up putus)
V memvonis
Meny- (S) menyakitkan (the s gets dropped when the meny- gets added, so for menyakitkan you'd look up sakit)


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