Ya Iya (Yes) |
Anda orang Amerika? Are you American? Kamu adikya Shinta? Are you Shinta's younger brother? To respond to tag questions, people often use Iya to emphasize the answer. A: Tuti, tolong siapkan makanan untuk makan siang. Tuti, please prepare some meals for lunch B: Iya Yes |
Tidak Bukan Belum (Not yet) Mau Sudah Boleh Bisa |
Tidak is used to negate everything other than
noun (verb, adjective, adverb) Hari ini, Bapak Rudi tidak bekerja Today, Mr. Rudi doesn't work. Teh ini tidak manis The tea isn't sweet Dia tidak teratur makan siang He doesn't eat lunch regularly A: Apakah anda suka minum kopi? Do you like to drink coffee? B: Tidak Saya suka teh. No, but I like tea. Bukan is followed by a noun or pronoun whether it is concrete or abstract such as name. A: Itu mobil anda? Is that your car? B: Bukan No, it isn't A: Apakah nama anda Indra? Is your name Indra? B: Bukan No, I don't Belum is used to answer the question Have you ever/been ti... Apakan anda pernah ke Sumatera? Have you been to Sumatera? Belum Mau, sudah, boleh, bisa are used to answer the questions that also contain them. A:Mau minum teh? Do you want tea? B: Mau Yes, I do A: Sudah mandi? Have you taken a bath? B: Sudah Already Boleh is used to ask for permission A: Boleh saya menulis di sini? May I write here? B: Silakah (Yes, please) Bisa is used to show capability or permission. Boleh/ Bisa saya pinjam pensil? Can/May I borro your pencil? A: Bisa keluar lewat jalan ini? Can we go out fron this street? B: Ya, bisa Yes, you can |
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