Sunday, February 21, 2016

Learn Indonesian Numbers

Learn Indonesian Numbers

The Indonesian numbers are very easy to remember. What you need to do is to cite the numbers at random order to make you get used to it. If it is possible you can try to associate the numbers with things such as prices, addresses, sizes, lengths, etc.

For -teens (numbers 13-19, thirteen, fourteen etc), you have belas in Indonesian language. So, for numbers (13-19) you should say 13 (tiga belas), 14 (empat belas), 15 (lima belas), etc. While for -ty (numbers 20-90), you have puluh in Indonesian language. So, for 20, you should say dua puluh, 30 (tiga puluh), 40 (empat puluh). Note that you should say the letter h clearly.

There are two words for “zero”: nol and kosong. Both words are equally commonly used.

It is common to use the word 'nomor' (number) in front of the citation of a number. For example, when you say an address, the word is often put in front of the number. For example, : Rumahnya di Jalan Supomo Nomor 13 A (His house is at number 13 A Supomo Street).
Other examples

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman 3, Tower 4
Jl. Proklamasi 6
Jl. Kalibata Raya no 25
Jl. Pramuka 30 C Blok A
Jl. Kalimantan no 177 GH

Telling Phone Number
Berapa nomor telepon...? (What is the Phone Number of...?)    

In English, when you want to ask question with numbers you can say such as “what” and “how many”. So, you say "what is his phone number?”, "how many people are there in the room." But unlike English, in Indonesian when you ask a question that demand a certain number you say : "berapa". So. Indonesian people ask :

"Berapa nomor telepon telepon kantor anda?" (What is your office telephone number?
"Ada berapa orang di ruangan itu?"
(How many people are there in that room?

Telling a place with Numbers    

There is a simple structure to say something with number such as the following.

ada + number + name of a thing/building etc. + preposition + name of a thing/place

For example:

Ada dua anak sekolah di depan sekolah.
(There are two students in front of the school).

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Independent Verbs

independent verbs

 Independent Verbs are verbs that can stand alone without affixes.

Example :
1. Setiap hari dia bangun jam 5.00 pagi (Every day he wakes up at 5:00 AM)
2. Dia suka makan nasi dan telur. (He likes to eat rice and eggs)

Some explanation of prefixes can be found HERE


Dia bangkit dari duduknya
to get up

He stands up from his sitting            

Anak yang tertabrak mobil itu mati seketika

dead, to die

The child hit by the car died instantly

Semuanya diam, tidak ada yang berani mengkritik

Everyone is silent, no body dares to criticize


Mobil itu mogok di tengah jalan                 
to strike (of workers), to break down (of motor vehicles)

The car's engine broke down in the middle of the street

Tahun ini penen gagal
to fail

This year the crops failed

Matahari muncul dari balik awan

to emerge

The sun emerges from the behind the clouds

Pertunjukan itu hampir habis
finished, be used up
The show almost finished

Jangan melangkah mundur
to go back

Don't step back

Ketenarannya hilang begitu saja karena kejadian itu
lost, vanish

His fame has just gone because of the event

Segala hartanya musnah karena kebakaran

All of his wealth was destroyed due to the fire

Kakek saya masih hidup

My grandpa is still alive

Api kebakaran itu sudah padam

The fire has been extinguished

Burung itu hinggap di jendela
to perch

The bird is perching on the window


Ranting pohon itu patah

be broken

The branch of tree is broken


Tabung kaca itu jatuh dan hancur

to fail

The glass tube fell down and destroyed

Dia sudah pindah rumah
to move

He had moved house

Dia kawin dengan anak kepala kampung

He is married to a daughter of the chief of the village

Orang itu pingsan selama dua jam

The person has been fainted for two hours

Saya belum kenal dengan orang itu
to know, be familiar

I haven't known him

Kesehatannya belum pulih

He hasn't been recover

Banyak tahanan yang lari dari penjara
to run

Many prisoners ran away from the jail

Kawat telepon itu putus

to break off, disconnected, break up

The phone cable is broken off

Motor yang cepat itu segera lenyap dari pandangan

The running motorbike quickly disappeared from the view

Pohon besar itu roboh di tengah jalan
to come down

The big tree came down in the middle of  the street

Dia lulus sekolah dasar tahun ini
to pass ( a test), to graduate

He graduated from elementary school this year

Mereka  sadar akan bahaya yang datang
to be aware

They are aware of the incoming danger


Uang kursus sudah dibayar lunas


The course fee is already paid

Dalam perjalanan, kami singgah sebentar di kota kecil itu

to stop by

In the journey, we stopped by in the small city

Beberapa orang anak terjun ke dalam sungai kecil itu

to jump down

Some children jumped down into the small river

Pulau itu sudah tampak dari sini


The island is already visible from here

Burung itu sanggup terbang jauh

to fly

The bird managed to fly far away

Para pemenang dipersilakan tampil ke depan
to step forward

The winners are welcome to step forward

Perahu nelayan itu tenggelam
to sink

The fishing boat sank

Pohon ini belum tumbuh besar
to grow

The tree hasn't grown up

Monday, February 15, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Dialog on Taking Public Transportation Part 2 (Audio)

Situation : While talking with Kartini, Putu saw Rima, their friend, crossing the street to buy chicken porridge too. They are now talking about means of transportation in Jakarta.

Putu: oh begitu,eh lihat itu Rima kan? Oh, I see. Look, isn’t that Rima?

Kartini: oh ia, dia pasti mau ke warung bubur juga. Oh, yes she is. She must come to the chicken porridge stall.

Rima: hai Tutut, hai Putu. Pagi semuanya. Hi Tutut, hi Putu. Morning all.

Putu, Kartini : Pagi. Morning.

Putu: apakah kamu mau berangkat kerja juga? Do you also want to go to work too?

Rima: iya benar, tetapi saya mau singgah dulu kesana sebentar. Yes, I do. But I also want to go there for a while.

Putu: Mau sarapan bubur ya? You also want to eat porridge?

Rima: kok kamu tahu? Kamu mau kesana juga? How do you know? Do you want to go there too?

Putu: Tadi saya dan Tutut sedang membicarakan warung bubur dan angkutan kami ke kantor. I and Tutut just talked about the stall and our transportation to the office.
Rima: oh begitu, oh ya Putu, kantor kamu di Kuningan kan? Oh, I see. By the way Putu, your office is in Kuningan area, isn’t it?

Putu: iya benar, mengapa? Yes, it is. What’s the problem?

Kartini: oh ia Rima, kamu sekarang kerja di daerah Kuningan juga kan? Rima, do you work in Kuningan area now ?
Putu: loh, bukannya didaerah Grogol? Isn’t it in Grogol area?
Rima : Oh ia dulu memang didaerah Grogol, tetapi saya sudah pindah ke kantor baru di Kuningan. Kamu mau naik apa ke kantor Putu? I used to work in Grogol area, by I moved to my new office in Kuningan area.

Putu: Saya biasanya naik transjakarta, tapi karena hari ini kesiangan, saya mungkin akan mencoba naik ojek seperti Kartini. I am used to get on Transjakarta bus, but today I woke up late, I probably try to take ojek like Kartini does.

Rima: Ojek memang lebih cepat daripada kendaraan lain di pagi hari di Jakarta, walaupun naik ojek tidak senyaman naik mobil atau taksi. Ojek is really faster that other means of transportation in the morning in Jakarta, eventhough riding ojek is not as comfortable as getting on a taxi.

Kartini: tentu saja, naik taksi kan lebih mahal Rima dan kalau naik mobil, bensin dan parkir juga mahal. Of course, getting on taxi is more expensive and if you drive a car, the gasoline and the parking fee is also expensive.
Putu: Naik becak saja Tutut, pasti murah. What about taking becak Tutut, it must be cheaper.

Kartini: Iya benar, murah dan tidak ada polusi, walaupun jalan nya lambat sekali. Sayangnya becak sudah dilarang di Jakarta. Wah sudah jam 7.30, saya harus segera ke warung sebentar lagi antrian nya panjang. Rima, kamu ikut kan? That’s right, cheap and no pollution, even though it runs very slowly. Unfortunaly, becak is banned in Jakarta. Oh, it’s already 7.30 now, I have to go to the stall, soon the queieng will be long
Rima : iya Tutut, ayo sarapan, setelah itu saya harus segera ke kantor. Putu kamu ikut ke warung? Yes, Tutut, let’s have a breakfast, after that I have to go to my office quickly

Putu: mungkin lain kali, saya ingin langsung ke kantor saja. Saya duluan ya. Maybe next time, I just want to my office right away. Ok, see you!

Kartini: Ok Putu, hati- hati ya. Ok Putu, take care !

Friday, February 12, 2016

Dialog on Taking Public Transportation (Audio)

Situation : Putu and Kartini are friends.  While waiting for the rain to stop, they meet in the street and talk about kind of transportation they are used to take to the office.

Putu : Wah hujan deras sekali, sebaiknya saya berteduh saja dulu disini. Itukan Kartini. Pagi, kamu mau kemana Kartini? Wow, it’s been a heavy rain, I'd better take shelter here. Is that Kartini? Morning. Where are you going, Kartini?

Kartini: Pagi juga. Tadinya saya ingin pergi ke kantor, tetapi tiba- tiba hujan turun jadi saya ingin singgah sebentar untuk membeli sarapan.  Morning. I want to go to the office, but suddenly it was raining  so I’d like to drop by briefly to buy  something for breakfast

Putu: Kamu ingin sarapan apa? What kinds of breakfast do you want?

Kartini: Saya akan membeli bubur ayam di warung langganan saya di ujung jalan. I’d like to buy chicken porridge in my favorite stall at the end of the road.

Putu: Oh, di warung bubur 24 jam itu? Saya dengar bubur disana enak dan murah. Oh, that 24-hour porridge stall? I heard they sell delicious and cheap chicken porridge.

Kartini: Iya benar, apakah kamu juga sering sarapan disana? Yes, you’re right. Do you often have breakfast there too?

Putu: Tidak terlalu sering, kadang- kadang saja saya makan disana. Not too often, I sometimes eat there.

Kartini: kamu mau pergi kemana? Ke kantor? Where do you want to go? To the office?

Putu : Iya, saya biasa pergi lebih awal karena jalanan macet sekali. Tapi hari ini saya terlambat bangun. Pasti jalan sudah ramai dan macet. Yes, I am used to leave early because of the traffic jam. But today I woke up late. Surely, the road has been crowded and jammed.

Kartini: Naik apa kamu ke kantor? How do you get to the office?

Putu: Biasanya saya naik transjakarta . I usually take Transjakarta bus

Kartini: Oh begitu, kantor kamu di Kuningan kan? I see. Your office in Kuningan area, isn’t it?

Putu: Iya benar. Kalau kamu naik apa ke kantor? Yes. How do you get to your office?

Kartini: Biasanya saya berlangganan ojek tapi kalau pulang dari kantor saya sering menumpang temen saya. I usually get on ojek, but when I go back home I often ride my friends’ car.

Putu: Kamu naik ojek setiap hari? Do you ride ojek everyday?

Kartini: Biasanya begitu, tetapi kalau hujan saya naik taksi. Normally, yes. But when if it rains I take a taxi

Putu: wah apa tidak mahal? Wow, isn’t that expensive?

Kartini: Tidak juga, mungkin disamping karena saya sudah berlangganan juga karena kami tetangga. Saya suka naik ojek pagi hari seperti ini karena lebih lancar dan bisa lewat jalan pintas. Not really. Maybe besides I’ve become a regular customer, the taxi driver is my neighbor. I like to ride ojek in the morning because it can run faster and can take shortcuts.

Putu: Benar juga sih, mungkin saya harus mencoba naik ojek sekali- sekali. Oh ya, apa kamu tidak pernah mencoba naik angkot? You’re right, maybe I need to ride ojek once in a while. But, don’t you ever try angkot?

Kartini : Tentu saja pernah, tetapi saya kurang suka karena mereka suka ngetem lama di persimpangan jalan. Selain itu saya harus ganti angkot 3 kali untuk sampai ke kantor. Jadi saya lebih suka naik ojek. Of course I do, but I don’t like it because they like to stop at the crossroads waiting for passangers. Besides,  I need to change public transportation three times to get to the office. So, I prefer to ride ojek.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

How to Give Answers in Indonesian


Giving Answers


Anda orang Amerika?
Are you American?

Kamu adikya Shinta?
Are you Shinta's younger brother?

To respond to tag questions, people often use Iya to emphasize the answer.

A: Tuti, tolong siapkan makanan untuk makan siang.
    Tuti, please prepare some meals for lunch

B: Iya


(Not yet)             




Tidak is used to negate everything other than noun (verb, adjective, adverb)
Hari ini, Bapak Rudi tidak bekerja
Today, Mr. Rudi doesn't work.

Teh ini tidak manis
The tea isn't sweet

Dia tidak teratur makan siang
He doesn't eat lunch regularly

A:  Apakah anda suka minum kopi?
     Do you like to drink coffee?
B: Tidak Saya suka teh.
    No, but I like tea.

Bukan is followed by a noun or pronoun whether it is concrete or abstract such as name.

A: Itu mobil anda?
     Is that your car?
B: Bukan
    No, it isn't

A: Apakah nama anda Indra?
    Is your name Indra?
B: Bukan
    No, I don't

Belum is used to answer the question Have you ever/been ti...

Apakan anda pernah ke Sumatera?
Have you been to Sumatera?

Mau, sudah, boleh, bisa are used to answer the questions that also contain them.

A:Mau minum teh? Do you want tea?
B: Mau                  Yes, I do

A: Sudah mandi? Have you taken a bath?
B: Sudah               Already 

Boleh is used to ask for permission

A: Boleh saya menulis di sini? May I write here?
B: Silakah           (Yes, please)

Bisa is used to show capability or permission.

Boleh/ Bisa saya pinjam pensil? Can/May I borro your pencil?

A: Bisa keluar lewat jalan ini? Can we go out fron this street?
B: Ya, bisa                              Yes, you can

How to Ask Questions in Indonesian (Audio)

How to Ask Questions in Bahasa (Question Words - Part 1)

Siapa (who)
Siapa orang itu
Who is the person

Siapa (what)
Siapa nama anda?
What is your name?

Dari siapa (from whom)
Dari siapa paket ini?
Who is this package from?

Untuk siapa (with from)
Denga n siapa Anda pergi ke pesta?
With whom did you go to the party?

Punya siapa (whose)
Tas ini punya siapa?
Whose bag is this ?

Apa (Yes/No question)
Apaka h Anda orang Amerika?
Are you American?
Note : the answer will be, for example :
Ya, saya orang Amerika.
Yes, I'm American
Bukan, saya orang Inggris
No, I'm British

Apa (What)
Apa nama hotel itu?
What is the name of the hotel?

Dia menulis apa?
What did he/she write?

Ada apa (What are there)
Ada apa di Monumen Nasional?
What are there in the National Monument?

Dengan apa (With what)
Denga n apa dia menulis?
With what did he/she write?

Mana< /b>
Di mana (Where)
Di mana rumahmu?
Where is your house?

Dari mana (Where from)
Dari mana anda datang?
Where do you come from?

Ke mana (Where to)
Ke mana dia pergi?
Where did he/she go to?

Yang mana (Which one)
Yang mana mobil anda?
Which one is your car?

Kapan (When)
Kapan anda pergi ke London?
When will you go to London?

Berap a
Berapa (How much/How many)
Berap a harga apel ini sekilo?
How much is a kilo of this apple?

Berapa orang datang terlambat ?
How many people came late?

Ada berapa (How much/How many)
Ada berapa buku di dalam lemari?
How many books are there in the cupboard?

Berapa (What number)
Berap a nomor telepon anda?
What is your phone number?

Berapa lama (How long)
Berap a lama anda tinggal di Jakarta?
How long did you stay in Jakarta?

Bagai mana
Bagaiman a (How - condition)
Bagai mana kabar anak anda?
How is your child?

Bagaiman a (What does it look like)
Bagai mana gedungnya?
What does the building look like?

Bagaiman a (How - asking for instruction)
Bagai mana (cara) membuat telur dadar?
How is the way to make an omelet?

Bagaiman a kalau (How about - suggestion)
Bagai mana kalau kita beristirahat sekarang?
How about taking a rest now?

Menga pa

Mengapa (Why)
Menga pa Anda datang terlambat?
Why did you come late?

Kenapa (Why/What happened to...)
Kenap a tangan kamu?
What happened to your hand?