Independent Verbs are verbs that can stand alone without affixes.
Example :
1. Setiap hari dia bangun jam 5.00 pagi (Every day he wakes up at 5:00 AM)
2. Dia suka makan nasi dan telur. (He likes to eat rice and eggs)
Some explanation of prefixes can be found HERE
bangkit Dia bangkit dari duduknya |
to get up He stands up from his sitting |
mati Anak yang tertabrak mobil itu mati seketika |
dead, to die The child hit by the car died instantly |
diam Semuanya diam, tidak ada yang berani mengkritik |
silent Everyone is silent, no body dares to criticize |
mogok Mobil itu mogok di tengah jalan |
to strike (of workers), to break down (of
motor vehicles) The car's engine broke down in the middle of the street |
gagal Tahun ini penen gagal |
to fail This year the crops failed |
muncul Matahari muncul dari balik awan |
to emerge The sun emerges from the behind the clouds |
habis Pertunjukan itu hampir habis |
finished, be used up The show almost finished |
mundur Jangan melangkah mundur |
to go back Don't step back |
hilang Ketenarannya hilang begitu saja karena kejadian itu |
lost, vanish His fame has just gone because of the event |
musnah Segala hartanya musnah karena kebakaran |
destroyed All of his wealth was destroyed due to the fire |
hidup Kakek saya masih hidup |
alive My grandpa is still alive |
padam Api kebakaran itu sudah padam |
extinguished The fire has been extinguished |
hinggap Burung itu hinggap di jendela |
to perch The bird is perching on the window |
patah Ranting pohon itu patah |
be broken The branch of tree is broken |
jatuh Tabung kaca itu jatuh dan hancur |
to fail The glass tube fell down and destroyed |
pindah Dia sudah pindah rumah |
to move He had moved house |
kawin Dia kawin dengan anak kepala kampung |
married He is married to a daughter of the chief of the village |
pingsan Orang itu pingsan selama dua jam |
fainted The person has been fainted for two hours |
kenal Saya belum kenal dengan orang itu |
to know, be familiar I haven't known him |
pulih Kesehatannya belum pulih |
recovered He hasn't been recover |
lari Banyak tahanan yang lari dari penjara |
to run Many prisoners ran away from the jail |
putus Kawat telepon itu putus |
to break off, disconnected, break up The phone cable is broken off |
lenyap Motor yang cepat itu segera lenyap dari pandangan |
disappeared The running motorbike quickly disappeared from the view |
roboh Pohon besar itu roboh di tengah jalan |
to come down The big tree came down in the middle of the street |
lulus Dia lulus sekolah dasar tahun ini |
to pass ( a test), to graduate He graduated from elementary school this year |
sadar Mereka sadar akan bahaya yang datang |
to be aware They are aware of the incoming danger |
lunas Uang kursus sudah dibayar lunas |
paid The course fee is already paid |
singgah Dalam perjalanan, kami singgah sebentar di kota kecil itu |
to stop by In the journey, we stopped by in the small city |
terjun Beberapa orang anak terjun ke dalam sungai kecil itu |
to jump down Some children jumped down into the small river |
tampak Pulau itu sudah tampak dari sini |
visible The island is already visible from here |
terbang Burung itu sanggup terbang jauh |
to fly The bird managed to fly far away |
tampil Para pemenang dipersilakan tampil ke depan |
to step forward The winners are welcome to step forward |
tenggelam Perahu nelayan itu tenggelam |
to sink The fishing boat sank |
tumbuh Pohon ini belum tumbuh besar |
to grow The tree hasn't grown up |
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